It is commonly said that any seed can be won in Rogue Fable III, that there are no unwinnable situations except that you make for yourself - and while I don't know who the best RF3 player is, I know that the best ever Nethack winstreak is 61 ( source ) and the best ever Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup winstreak is 62 ( source ).

That stuff is relatively self-explanatory, and in fact fun to figure out on your own - this guide focuses on the 'invisible' aspects of playing a roguelike - Ways to split enemies up or neuter their ability to pelt you with attacks that you might not have even thought of and that the game will never hint at. It won't tell you how you should play a specific race or class. This is, notably, not a strategy guide or a build guide. This is a tactics guide for Rogue Fable III, to help you cultivate a mentality for playing this and other traditional roguelikes using every trick in the book to turn unfair fights into fair fights.