Unit 2 has wide coverage of second law of thermodynamics in which various topics such as heat reservoir, source and sink, heat engine, refrigerator, heat pump, statements of second law and its corollaries, Carnot and reversed Carnot cycles, Clausius inequality, concept of entropy, T-S diagram, Tds equations, entropy change for pure substance, ideal gases, and different processes, principle of increase in entropy, applications of II law, high and low grade energy, available and non-available energy of a source and finite body, energy and irreversibility, expressions for the energy of a closed system and open systems, energy balance and entropy generation, irreversibility, I and II law efficiency are discussed.
This unit also deals with first law of thermodynamics applied to closed & open systems and steady flow process.
Unit 1 deals with basic concepts of thermodynamics such as concept of continuum, microscopic and macroscopic approaches, path and point functions, intensive and extensive properties, total and specific quantities, system and their types, thermodynamic equilibrium state, path and process, quasi-static, reversible and irreversible processes, heat and work transfer, displacement work and other modes of work, P-V diagram, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, concept of temperature and thermal equilibrium, relationship between temperature scales, and new temperature scales.